Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Science is FUN!

Well Grade 1's, we are well into our Science Unit on Living Things and we have learned so much about their basic needs, and how all living things are important and should be treated with care and respect. Right now we are learning how to look after our pet frog, Froggy, and the care he needs. Here is an interactive game called:Growing Plants where you will learn how to take care of a plant, and the resources from the environment it needs to stay alive. (Click on the green words Growing Plants!)

Parents: An expectation in the Grade 1 Science Curriculum under the Needs and Characteristics of Living Things Strand, is to investigate and compare the basic needs of humans and other living things, including the need for air, water, food, warmth, and space using a variety of methods and resources. This online activity is a great tool to explain the basic needs of plants. Perhaps you and your child can look after a real life plant together at home and provide your child with a real life example of how important these basic needs are for not only plants, but us too!! 

Happy Gardening :)

Mrs. Murray

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